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Online Courses​
I've created some awesome online writing courses for those people interested in my writing classes but don't live near me in the beautiful Okanagan, British Columbia (come for a visit, you won't regret it!).
Or... you just want to write in your pj's. I know it's my favourite way to write my books...comfy slippers, warm cup of tea, perfect!
I've started you off with a free lesson on my Online Course website, called Create Your Idea!
Check back often as I've got a great line up of courses!
Spoiler Alert!
Here a few teasers:
Develop Your Cast is all about Character Development, based on my very popular Workshop.
Story Formula is all about getting past the Outline and writing the plot of your story.
Name Your Place is all about Setting and how it's so important to your story.
What's Your Answer? is about your story's Theme and how you should write your story without sounding narrow minded.
Ready, Set, Action is about Scene Writing and how to make your scenes page turners.
and plenty more where those came from!
Let's get going...with help from Love My Writing Voice!
Try the Free Sample Lesson from my Online Course called Create Your Idea,
the first lesson in my Idea Creation Writing Course.
If you like the lesson, you can buy the rest of the Idea Creation Writing Course
for only $97! Click here for more info.
Click below for your free lesson. Enjoy!
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