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Let's get writing...

Idea Creation Writing Workshop


9 am - Noon

(max 6 aspiring writers) 


​A great way to get those writing sparks flying, with specific topics covering the basics, but with meaningful engaging and interactive discussions and exercises.


Oh, by the way, having fun and enjoying the diversity of writing styles, themes, and awesome ideas flowing from ALL of our Voices!


This one has been very successful to inspire those in the infancy of their writing voices.


To Register for this fabulous introductory workshop, click here.

Character Development Writing Workshop


9 am - 12 Noon 

(max 6 aspiring writers)


Let's have fun crafting characters for your story! Different characteristics including names, backgrounds, even ethnicity can change your character's motivations. Your story deserves great characters! 


The most important part of storytelling is your main character. Let Tanya help you create deep, interesting, dynamic characters.


This 3 hour workshop has been designed to 'work' through crafting those characters with a little fun thrown in.


To Register for this amazing workshop, click here.

Setting, Theme, Scene Writing Workshop


9 am - Noon

(max of 6 writers)


This workshop is all about creating intriguing Settings, while exploring Themes and making Scenes work for your story.


With active participation and worksheets we do together, you'll learn how to make your story come alive.


If you're a beginner or more advanced in your writing, this workshop will help you develop your skills using various methods to get your creative juices flowing.


And we'll have fun in the process!


If you want to register for this helpful workshop, click here!

Story Formation Writing Workshop


9 am - Noon

(max of 6 aspiring writers)


More "meat & potatoes" in this workshop. We'll delve into more layers of idea creation, character development, and outline formats.


I would prefer one attends the Idea Creation, so as to make the best use of this workshop. We will be referring to worksheets and discussions completed in the First Idea Creation workshop.

Though if your story has evolved to a point, just call me and we can work around your goals. 


We'll have fun with various writing exercises, giggles over group collaboration, and develop our writing muscles.


Come see how much fun writing can be!


To register for this awesome workshop, click here.

Book Writing Road Map Workshop


9 am - Noon

(max. 6 aspiring writers)


In this workshop, Tanya describes her experience during NaNoWriMo 2018 and how her writing took on a new journey when she tried a new tool!


A version of editor style sheets, Tanya created her own to keep her on track to writing her book in 30 days. And she did it in 18 days with little stress, no frustration, and 50,000 + words were born.


Join her in this fun workshop where she'll teach you how to get to The End!


To register for this Workshop, click here

Prep-Tober (Prepping October) Writing Workshop


9 am - Noon

(max. 6 aspiring writers)


This workshop is designed to get you prepped for NaNoWriMo but really it benefits anyone wanting to write a story. Using her Book Writing Road Map, Tanya will show you the important details you need in a story to accomplish 50,000 words in 30 days. She knows because she's done it...and is ready to do it again!


To register for this amazing workshop, click here.

NaNoWriMo - Get Set, Write! Writing Workshop


9 am - Noon

(max. 6 aspiring writers)


NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is November each year. From Nov 1st to 30, aspiring writers are encouraged to write a 50,000 word story in 30 days. Sound impossible? It's not. Tanya's done it and is ready to do it again!  


This workshop will help you over the last part of Prep-Tober hurdles and get you ready to write NaNoWriMo! Using  form, worksheets, and tools she's created, Tanya will show you the important details you need in your story to accomplish 50,000 words in 30 days. 


To register for this amazing workshop, click here.



Each Workshop is $40, and includes:

  • 3 hours of interactive instruction

  • Worksheets to take home for practice

  • Fun and engaged instructor to help you write a great story!


To register for one of the Workshops, click here.



If you'd like to participate in 4 Workshops, the price is $150 and includes:

  • 3 hours of interactive instruction per Workshop (12 hours)

  • Worksheets to take home for each Workshop

  • Fun and engaged instructor to help you write a great story!

  • Extra help with a free one-on-one coaching session with Tanya (value $40, up to 2 hours)


To register for a Workshop Bundle - Take 4, click here.


Upcoming Events

More Workshops added all the time.

Check back often to see what's new

or email Tanya a topic suggestion.


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