Nagging Question, What To Do?

What do you do when you wake up in the middle of the night with a nagging question? A question that won't go away, haunts your reverie until you get up and deal with it.
Do you try to write a short story answering the question? Do you write a full length novel? Is the question even worth writing about? Or is it just 'one of those things' that woke you up, your subconscious awake and causing trouble.
They're all good questions. The only one to answer them is YOU! Do you want to explore the idea of an answer to the nagging question? Do you want to 'think' on it some more? Let the question produce ideas.
Maybe try brain dumping or mind mapping the ideas swirling around in a journal then let them stew and see what happens.
Sometimes when you let ideas sit for a while, they develop on their own, once you get past the initial idea formation stage. Sometimes they die on the vine, never to be seen again. Whatever you decide, it's your project, your baby to develop as much as you want.
Is the topic interesting enough to keep you writing a full length novel? Or is it better used in a short story submitted for a contest?
You create the world, you decide. I'm sure you'll know in your heart once you take the idea to the next step.
And if not, if it only becomes an exercise in brain dumping, at least you got it off your chest. Now you can go back to sleep!
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