I'm Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo 2020!
The next book in the series Charlie, the Mystery-Solving Great Dane & His Quick Traveling Partners is in planning stage.
I received an email from NaNoWriMo today and it got me thinking.
What will I write in November?
I thrive in an environment with multiple projects and multiple deadlines. As a writer and author, this is a blessing and a curse.
I'm almost done the final edit of my first book in the series, 1st to Find, with 2nd to Search waiting to be edited. It doesn't stop me from prepping another book, getting ready to write 4th to Forget in November.

Because I love Charlie and the Quail Buddies so much, this is a fun project. It's not a chore, although editing feels like it sometimes.
I enjoy the idea creation stage. Adding new characters, changing the setting, deleting characters no longer useful.
I guess that's why I like being an author, I can manipulate the story which ever way I want like a puppeteer moving the strings. I make my characters dance to my beat and I love it!
It's something that comes natural to me, putting my friends on the page, bringing them to life as I see them, not as they are in real life. Aspects of them I find special, I amplify so everyone can see them. When I say friends, my current work is about animals so my real-life human friends aren't worried (yet!).
It's hard to say goodbye to a character or even at the end of a story. I miss Charlie so much at the end of book 1, I quickly started planning an outline for book 2, then book 3, and now I'm working on the outline for book 4.
Middle grade books weren't my first genre, but they quickly became my favorite. My first genre was romance. I haven't published those stories yet, but I have a few favorite ones and will eventually get to publishing those as well.
But first, I work with my favorite characters and bring them to life so others can enjoy them. Mainly those aged 8-10, however, I've heard other age groups like them as well. I don't judge! I like the stories myself and I'm way past 10 years old!
