So many book ideas, so little time!
Even though I've written over 15 books, I've only just begun my publishing journey. I scribble in notebooks, fall asleep planning scenes, daydream about moving scenes. It sounds like I'm a crazy person, but my fellow writers suggest it's a common issue.
My creative process starts with a snippet of an idea, usually something scratches my psyche until it keeps me up at night, forces me to put pen to paper, or type feverish notes on the computer. And because I have several books in different stages of completion, I get spurts of inspiration. Once it's fizzled out, I move back to another half-started project.
A lot of my non-writing friends don't realize the "shiny" aspects of my working writing brain. I love plotting, trying fresh ways of plotting, putting my characters through rough terrain, up mountains, down valleys, until the end of the book when we're all rung out and ready for a break.
Learning to edit has been my greatest challenge through COVID-19. It's why I have so many books written but few published. Editing is not my favorite part, however, I'm learning to shape the book the way my brain sees it.
Yes, there is a disconnect between what my brain sees and what's on the page. Shocking, I know, I can't believe it either!
