Freewriting: Does it Liberate You?

Freewriting is not a process I gravitate to naturally but when I tried it again recently, I was amazed at the ideas flowing from my brain to paper, like the pen was a direct conduit. Have you experienced that in your writing?
It surprised me since I've tried a writer's notebook and journaling in the past but couldn't get into the habit of constantly writing my thoughts down. Recently, I read Natalie Goldberg's book, 'Writing Down The Bones' which suggested trying new things in your writing. I thought I'd try freewriting again.
It was interesting to write about anything. It didn't have to be about me or my day, it didn't have to be anything with a purpose, I just wrote. I wrote whatever came to mind, didn't stop to proofread or edit, and found it liberating!! When I read it back later, I felt like I'd grown as a writer. I will admit, most of it was junk, gobbledy-gook spewed onto the paper. There were a few snippets I may use in future stories; character ideas, plot twists, maybe even a villain or two. We'll have to wait and see what happens in the idea creation portion of my next story! Try freewriting for the first time or the 500th time, you may be pleasantly surprised at the result!!
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