NaNoWriMo completed! You can too!

I'm done, I've finished my novel at 55,000+ words and feel so accomplished I could climb Mt. Everest. The completion of my novel wasn't the goal: I've written over 10 books. Pure joy was found during the writing process.
Let me explain.
What I learned doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) was prepping all the details of my story, down to scene outlines and character arcs (which I don't normally do to this extent) actually helped me write my story.
The idea creation process started in Prep-tober, the month before NaNoWriMo. What I learned in October getting ready to write my novel, helped my novel flow, the creative process wasn't stalled as some people believe.
In fact, my creative process didn't veer too far off my plan. Yes, I did embellish parts which I felt the story needed (we'll see what happens in the edit process). But my story is full and rich with detail, conflict, passion, and eventual resolution at the end.
All wrapped up in a Middle Grade Chapter book for kids ages 8-10!
I love writing. It was clear to me during my time well spent at the computer. My family supported my endeavor knowing it would take me away from them, but the pure joy and happiness it brought me as I succeeded in my goal was worth it. Yay them!
I changed my habit, writing a minimum of an hour a day, trying to get my 2,000 word goal completed so I didn't fall behind. I still was an actual member of the family, helping with dinner, getting shopping done, watching volleyball games.
In fact, we went away for the weekend to a volleyball tournament, and little did I know, I can write in hotel lobbies. How awesome to find it out! I opened the laptop, shut off the sounds around me and wrote the section I needed to write. Sometimes I only had an hour between games, sometimes I had longer. In the end, I wrote what I needed to for the day and felt accomplished even though I wasn't at my desk, in my comfortable chair with my water nearby.
Now it's over and I feel a sense of loss. I want to spend more time with my characters (thank goodness I'm writing a series, I can visit with them again soon!). Absolute joy the story's been told and no longer taking up space in my head. Hopefully soon, a lot of kids will enjoy reading it. But right now, I'm feeling empty, disjointed at not continuing the journey with my characters and the story.
The ending is perfect for the characters and where they need to be in their journey. I'm not changing my ending, but I do miss the ritual of writing. I know November's not over, I could write for the rest of the month, but it's not where my story needs to go. I'm not writing for the sake of writing. Well, I am, this blog and other work I do is encouraging my writing process to continue, but my story's complete. When I typed The End I meant it.
If you were on the fence about doing NaNoWriMo, I hope I can convince you it's not the scary monster some people make it sound. It is a daunting task if you've never written a word in your life, but it's a wonderful feeling of accomplishment and the endurance to sit at the computer for sometimes hours at a time and type away is awe-inspiring for most people I've talked to about it.
Unless you feel the urge to write, it's hard to understand the extraordinary magnet pulling me towards it. Like any creative art, I feel the magnetic pull to sit down and write.
If you're afraid to put yourself out there, let me tell you how brave and courageous I feel everytime I accomplish a goal. In writing, in my professional life, in my regular life, there's no greater feeling than accomplishing something you wanted to do...and you did! Amazing, life altering, invincible feeling everyone has to feel at least once!
Because I've written so many books, my new goal has become publishing. I've achieved the writing goal, now it's onto the publishing goal. And because I've completed the first, I've no doubt I will succeed in the second, and feel as amazing as I do now. It can (and will) be done!
If you need encouragement and support in your writing, Love My Writing Coach opportunities exist. Contact me at 250.809.2118 or email me at and we'll get you to The End as well!
Check out my Workshops for 2019, the list is out and dates are set. Join me for practice sheets, group interactive discussions, and just plain fun learning to write your story.
Let's get you to... Love Your Writing Voice!
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