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My Author Journey

How I started my writing career and how easy it was!

I’ve always been a writer, in some format or another, I’ve created stories. I made movies in my head while studying for an exam in high school. I developed characters and dialogue while I scrubbed the bathtub. When ever I was in a solitary situation like cleaning or studying, my mind wandered to adventure and peril to pass the time and avoid chore fatigue.

I enjoy waking to find a crazy dream nagging my brain, a scene stuck in my head for days, not letting me alone until I write it down in my notebook or on my computer.

I learned these are my processes and not to push them away or let them fester because they won’t leave me alone until I put them somewhere. A simple scratch pad or empty document on my computer will suffice. I don’t even have to save the paper (but I always do). Once it’s removed from my brain, I’m free to carry on with life.

But as a writer, these valuable insights follow me into another story, another scene, another world. It doesn’t matter where I put it, I’ll use it when I get stuck in my next project, or my next edit. It’ll be useful in my writing journey.

I’m at the phase of my writing career where I want to branch out. I learned how to create a character, develop a plot, and carry it until I write ‘The End’. It’s very satisfying to write those two words after a lengthy process of dreaming, plotting, sorting, destroying, and finally unveiling the masterpiece.

Then the actual work begins.

Editing isn’t my favorite part of the writing process, but I’ve seen my work improve. I’ve used editing software for the basics, but working with an editor helped lift my work to another level.

It’s wonderful to see your work improved with suggestions of how to make it better than you thought possible.

The editing process was my professional hurdle for several years. I enjoyed getting the story to ‘The End’, but I couldn’t get it out of editing mode and to the next hurdle, publishing.

I taught beginner writing workshops to aspiring writers get to ‘The End’ easier than I could get through editing my work. But I persevered and found a talented editor who makes my work shine.

Now I’m focused on publishing my work and I’m working with a graphic designer to create a cover for my Middle Grade Chapter book series.

The series began several years ago when I owned a Great Dane and enjoyed being his owner.

His quirky personality led me to create these stories. His curiosity of quails encouraged me to dream in his world and his ‘gentle giant’ nature led to a lot of adventure.

With 5 stories set in this series, and several more in the outline phase, I look forward to watching Charlie and the quails explore their world, meeting new friends and interesting characters along the way.

My writing journey continues as my creativity grows, my learning deepens, and my world expands to include other genres.

Before starting the Charlie series, I wrote contemporary romance novels. As I review my completed novels, I realize there are several I’d like to get published.

I look forward to sharing my stories with amazing readers.

Check out my short stories here and some freebies I’ve created from my books here.

Happy reading!


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